Pharmaceutical Care in HIV and AIDS Patients at Kokha Hospital


  • Nootpawee Jongrungrotsakul Pharmacy Department, Kokha Hospital


pharmaceutical care, HIV infected, AIDS


Background: AIDS is a treatable chronic disease. HIV-infected and AIDS patients need continuous lifelong care to reduce HIV viral load in the bloodstream to the lowest level until it is undetectable, minimizing the risk of developing complications.

Objective: This research aimed to study the effects of pharmaceutical care on HIV-infected and AIDS patients at Kokha Hospital, focusing on drug-related problems, CD4 cell count, and viral load amounts.

Method: A descriptive retrospective study was conducted on HIV-infected and AIDS patients receiving antiretroviral therapy at Counseling Clinic No. 40, Kokha Hospital, between October 1, 2022, and September 30, 2023, involving a total of 484 cases. Data were collected from patient medical records. Baseline characteristics, drug-related problems, CD4 cell counts, and HIV viral load levels were analyzed and reported by frequency and percentage. Comparisons of CD4 cell counts and HIV viral load levels before and after pharmaceutical care were performed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.

Result: The most common drug-related problem was non-compliance, occurring 31 times (40.74%). A total of 92 drug-related problems were resolved (96.84%). After receiving pharmaceutical care, CD4 cell counts increased and viral load levels decreased significantly (p-value < 0.05).

Conclusion: Pharmaceutical care is an effective approach to solving problems arising from patients’ drug use. It can improve treatment outcomes for patients with various chronic diseases who receive continuous medication.

Author Biography

Nootpawee Jongrungrotsakul, Pharmacy Department, Kokha Hospital

B.Sc. Pharmacy, Pharm.D. (Pharm. Care), B.Sc. (Occupational Health and Safety)


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How to Cite

จงรุ่งโรจน์สกุล น. Pharmaceutical Care in HIV and AIDS Patients at Kokha Hospital. Thai J Clin Pharm [Internet]. 2024Aug.20 [cited 2024Oct.28];30(2):142-5. Available from:



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