
  • สุธี ดำคง โรงพยาบาลตรัง สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดตรัง


efficiency of repair medical appliance, repairing, package management, maintenance


This‘s research of the comparison efficiency of repair medical appliance Trang hospital was the experimental research to study retrospective data. The objective was study result of repair medical appliance on the repair medical appliance 2017 system. We had comparison efficiency before and after two repairing sides were repaired timely and value then bring the system that’s practice in department routine taken the population study were science appliance and repair medical appliance type no.6515 on medical appliance dilapidated until electronic engineers were repaired the most completely serve with objective then we collected data from secondary data from request approved order by 2 sample group Independent of each other and specific section by matching on specification each sample group 117 sample were blood pressure meter, oxygen machine, vascular solution, work monitor and heart monitor and breathing apparatus then we analyzed using statistical software for window by SPSS were percentage, average and standard deviation statistics, t-Independent-test.

The study result of sample group between the comparison group and experimental group had the feature the same as medical divide the dilapidated factor was not different between the long lifetime and procurement cost and the ratio repairing was different by repairing used 18.80 % of material plus and 53.00% of spare the result of repairing on experimental system were repaired timely average 6.01 days have got a compensation average 50,626.56 baht the comparison efficiency repairing timely experimental group because it had a higher of efficiency repairing timely comparison group was difference was statistically significant (p <0.05). The comparison efficiency of repairing value. The two group of efficiency of repairing value it was not difference was statistically significant (p <0.05). the implementation of the repair medical appliance 2017 system have done practice routine that’s can addition efficiency repairing more timely but it haven’t addition of the efficiency repairing value yet because the repairing used material plus and spare have the total between capital and labor cost were higher cost then we should bring the study result to integrate in package management and maintenance to efficacy repairing value and we have communicated to next research by should use principal of labor cost each personal take over support the average payroll for evaluation efficiency be break even more.


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How to Cite

ดำคง ส. (2019). THE COMPARISON EFFICIENCY OF REPAIR MEDICAL APPLIANCE TRANG HOSPITAL . Journal of Department of Health Service Support-วารสารวิชาการกรมสนับสนุนบริการสุขภาพ, 13(2), 3–12. Retrieved from



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