Model for developing health risk communication to change health behavior among teenage pregnancy
Model Development, Risk Communication, Teenage PregnancyAbstract
The mixed method of quantitative and qualitative approaches was used in this research. Study area was opportunity expansion school been comprehensive in 4 regions of the country under Office of the Basic Education Commission, totally 4 schools : the opportunity expansion school in Tak province, the opportunity expansion school in Saraburi province, the opportunity expansion school in Bung Kan province and the opportunity expansion school in Krabi. This study was conducted from phase 1 to phase 3 to develop model. Phase 1 : The objective of this was to study the problem and opinion about risk communication to protect teenage pregnancy. The key informants were the principal, teacher and the committee of the Basic Education Commission. Data collection instrument were focus groups. Phase 2 : The objective of this was to study the outcome of risk communication program to protect teenage pregnancy. Study groups were the student in secondary high school 2. Data collection instrument was questionnaire. Phase 3 : The objective of this was to find the model of risk communication to protect teenage pregnancy. Data collection instrument was focus groups.
The results revealed that :
Phase 1 : The Problem of teenage pregnancy had many causes explained via direct experience and indirect experience in daily life from the key informants. These problems reflected that the problem of unwanted teenage pregnancy had linked many causes. These problems were divided into 3 main causes : knowledge of sex, suitable for interactive and advanced technology.
Phase 2 : The outcome of risk communication program to protect teenage pregnancy, after and 3 month follow-up the intervention program had higher than before. The mean health literacy score in 3 month follow-up had the highest mean score (10.22). The mean health literacy score in after (8.77) and before (6.58) respectively. Moreover, The mean intention score in 3 month follow-up had the highest mean score (38.34). The mean intention score in after (36.61) and before (32.11) respectively.
Phase 3 : Model of health risk communication to change health behavior among teenage pregnancy included 6 methods : give knowledge, encourage awareness, improve any skill, positive communication, role model and behavior surveillance. These methods could create immune system to protect the risk that could affect from internal factors and external factors.
Proposals for practicing was based on each area. Government agencies relating could apply model of risk communication to protect teenage pregnancy in other communities or schools. Creating leadership skill in youth cooperated with village health volunteer and advocated the risk communication to protect teenage pregnancy. Family Institution could use the guideline of the risk communication to protect teenage pregnancy to make a relationship with teenager.
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