Effects of TEDA4I Program on Children 0-5 Years with Delayed Development in Lamphun Hospital


  • Wattanaporn Khamkan OPD Out Patient Depaertment, Lamphun Hospital


TEDA4I Program, Children 0-5 Years Old, Developmental Delay


Background:   The TEDA4I program in children aged 0-5 is an assessment tool to help early childhood children with developmental problems.

Objective:  To study the effects of the TEDA4I program in children aged 0-5 years with developmental delay. And analyzed factors correlated with the outcome of the TEDA4I program in children 0-5 years of age with developmental delays in Lamphun Hospital.

Study design:  It's a quasi-experimental research. The sample was 0-5 years of age children who were screened with DSPM and DAIM with suspected developmental delay and were stimulated with TEDA4I for 3 months, totaling 92 people. The tool used to collect data is a pattern of developmental behavior developed from the TEDA4I program. Analyze data with descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, averages, and standard deviations. And inferential statistics include Fisher's exact test and Chi-square test.

Results:  Children 0-5 years old with developmental delay after receiving developmental stimulation with the TEDA4I program, overall improvements have been made. 59.8% It improved the most in receptive language, 87.0%, followed by personal and social skills 82.6%, expressive language 79.3%, fine motor skills 65.2% and gross motor skills minimal improvement 55.4%. In addition, it was found that children of different ages improved their receptive language, expressive language and personal and social skills to a statistically significant age difference of 0.05. Children aged 37-48 months and 49-60 months of age have improved their receptive language, expressive language and personal and social skills 100.0%

Conclusions: The TEDA4I program improves children by 59.8% and different age ranges affect the development of receptive language, expressive language and personal and social skills.

Keywords:    TEDA4I Program, Children 0-5 Years Old, Developmental Delay



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How to Cite

คำกัน ว. (2023). Effects of TEDA4I Program on Children 0-5 Years with Delayed Development in Lamphun Hospital. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 31(1), 16–26. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/jpph/article/view/12951



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