The effectiveness of the fall prevention model among the elderly dwelling in the community


  • Piyarat Suankool Rehabilitation Department, Phare Hospital
  • Hutsayaporn Intayos Rehabilitation Department, Long Hospital, Phrae


fall prevention model, elderly, community, village health volunteer, physical therapy


Background: Falling is a common problem among the elderly. Phrae province has found that the incidence of hip fracture patients from falls is increasing continuously. Preventing falls of the elderly, therefore, is necessary.

Objectives:  To study the effectiveness of fall prevention models of the elderly in the community-dwelling in the municipality of Mueang Phrae District, Phrae Province, by using the community as a base.

Study design: This study was an action research study in Phrae municipality in 18 communities from February 2021 to January 2022. The sample was specifically selected from elderly aged 60 years and over who were screened for risk of falls, and the risk scores from the fall assessment with Thai falls risk assessment test (Thai-FRAT) were in the range of 4-11 points and/or TUGT greater than 15 seconds. A total of 58 participants were analyzed by descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and narrative summary

Results:   It was found that the elderly, after eight weeks of physical activity, had a statistically significant improvement in Thai-FRAT scores and the TUGT test (p<0.05). There was statistically significant (p < 0.05) in physical activity after twenty-four weeks of fall history from before participating.

Conclusion:   The fall prevention model among the elderly dwelling in the community showed a statistically significant improvement when assessed with Thai FRAT, TUGT, and no fall incidence. Monitoring and encouraging a home-based self-exercise program for the elderly is important.

Keywords:  fall prevention model, elderly, community, village health volunteer, physical therapy


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How to Cite

สวนกูล ป. ., & อิทยศ ห. . (2023). The effectiveness of the fall prevention model among the elderly dwelling in the community. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 31(1), 27–42. Retrieved from



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