Food Consumption Behavior Factors Affecting the Overnutrition Status of the Karen Ethnic Working Age Groups in the Border and Security Villages Under the Royal Initiatives, Wiang Nuea Sub-district, Pai district, Mae Hong Son Province


  • Anong Kumtan Health Promotion Group, Health Center of Ethnic Groups, Marginal People and Migrant Workers
  • Wanchalerm Rittimon Health Promotion Group, Health Center of Ethnic Groups, Marginal People and Migrant Workers
  • Surangrat Pongpan Lecturer of the Faculty of Public Health, Thammasart University


Working Age, Karen Ethnic Group, Food Consumption Behavior, Overnutrition


Background: Overnutrition is a common health problem among working people because they often neglect their own health care while spending time at work. There are several risk factors that can affect health, including consuming non-nutritive foods and preferring sweetened, oily, and salty foods. Additionally, not getting enough rest, lack of regular exercise, smoking, drinking, and experiencing high levels of stress can contribute to overnutrition, obesity, and non-communicable diseases.

Objective: To study food consumption behavior factors that affect to the overnutrition status of the Karen ethnic population.

Study design:  A cross-sectional study. The sample were 305 person was divided into two groups: overnutrition and normal nutritional status. Collected the data by structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to explain information. Data were analyzed by t-test, Exact probability test, and Spearman's rank correlation.

Results: Both sample groups had a high level of knowledge about food consumption behavior, moderate level of attitudes and practices about food consumption behavior. Food consumption behavior factors that affect overnutrition include: behavior practice (rho=0.15, p-value=0.011).

Conclusion: Public health organizations should carry out health promotion activities in terms of healthy food consumption behavior for highland working-age ethnic groups to prevent overnutrition and obesity and reduce the incidence of chronic non-communicable diseases.

Keywords: Working Age, Karen Ethnic Group, Food Consumption Behavior, Overnutrition


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How to Cite

คำตั๋น อ., ฤทธิมนต์ ว. ., & พ้องพาน ส. (2023). Food Consumption Behavior Factors Affecting the Overnutrition Status of the Karen Ethnic Working Age Groups in the Border and Security Villages Under the Royal Initiatives, Wiang Nuea Sub-district, Pai district, Mae Hong Son Province. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 31(1), 43–58. Retrieved from



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