The impact of the distribution planning program combined with the use of application technology on providing knowledge and enhancing self-care abilities of patients with cataract receiving treatment at the eye ear nose and throat aard, Phrae hospital


  • pensri punyo Eye Ear Nose and Throat Ward, Phrae Hospital
  • Orapin Manoros Eye Ear Nose and Throat Ward, Phrae Hospital
  • Mali Karapug Eye Ear Nose and Throat Ward, Phrae Hospital
  • Anchalee Neaonarong Eye Ear Nose and Throat Ward, Phrae Hospital


Background:  Preparation of patients before surgery and proper post-operative care are of utmost importance. Planning program combined with the use of a mobile application for knowledge provision can help patients understand the disease, treatment, and proper self-care practices that are suitable for their condition. This can aid in preventing post-operative complications and ensuring a successful surgical outcome for cataract patients according to the planned treatment regimen.

Objective: To compare the levels of knowledge, abilities, and satisfaction in self-care between the group receiving the distribution planning program combined with the use of a mobile application for knowledge provision and the group receiving regular care.

Study design: This research is a quasi-experimental research of the two-group pretest-posttest design. It was conducted between February and April 2023 with a sample group consisting of 40 patients receiving treatment at the eye ear nose and throat ward, Phrae Hospital. The sample group was divided into an experimental group (n=20) and a control group (n=20). The research instruments used a mobile application, personal data, knowledge assessment, self-care ability assessment, and patient satisfaction assessment questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using frequency, percentages, means, S.D, chi-square, paired samples t-test, and independent samples t-test.

Result:  The knowledge of cataract patients in the experimental group and the self-care abilities of patients in the experimental group and control group were significantly higher than control group (p<0.001, <0.001). Additionally, the satisfaction level of patients was high.

Conclusion:  The group receiving the distribution planning program combined with the use of a mobile application affects the patient's knowledge and self-care ability. the satisfaction level of patients with the distribution planning program was high.

Keywords:  Planning Program, Application Technology, Cataract patients, Self-Care


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How to Cite

ปัญโญ เ., มโนรส อ. ., การปักษ์ ม., & แนวณรงค์ อ. . (2024). The impact of the distribution planning program combined with the use of application technology on providing knowledge and enhancing self-care abilities of patients with cataract receiving treatment at the eye ear nose and throat aard, Phrae hospital. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 31(2), 1–16. Retrieved from



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