Prevalence and association factors of stress and depression in palliative caregivers for end-stage cancer patients


  • Pimchanok Soonthon Rong Kwang Hospital, Phrae
  • Tapukkanun Intharawut Rong Kwang Hospital, Phrae
  • Thadsanee Boonariyatep Rong Kwang Hospital, Phrae
  • Thanakorn Kaewsoothi Rong Kwang Hospital, Phrae
  • Rungkit Pinjai Rong Kwang Hospital, Phrae


Background:  The caregivers of end-stage cancer patients play a crucial and significant role in providing assistance to the patients. They often require medical care, physical support, and emotional support more than caregivers of general patients. This role can be demanding and affect caregivers in various aspects. It can lead to caregivers experiencing stress, depression, anxiety, and having negative effects on their ability to care for end-stage cancer patients.

Objective:  The study aimed to determine the prevalence and factors associated with stress and depression among caregivers of end-stage cancer patients.

Study design: The cross-sectional analysis study of caregivers of end-stage cancer patients receiving consultation at the Palliative Care Clinic, Rong Kwang Hospital. Data were collected through personal information questionnaires, stress assessment (ST-5), and the PHQ-9 depression assessment.

Results:  Among the 85 caregivers of end-stage cancer patients, most of the participants were female (74.1%). The average age is 49.3 years. The prevalence of moderate to severe stress and depression among this group of caregivers were 50.6% and 49.4%, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression analyses indicated that the statistically significant risk factors associated with stress are : caregivers who need to care for patients for more than 16 hours a day (OR=11.73, 95% CI=1.32-103.93, p=0.03), and caregivers of patients with loss of appetite (OR=13.55, 95% CI=1.31-139.75, p=0.03). However, none of these factors is significantly associated with depression in caregivers from multivariate logistic regression analyses.

Conclusion:   Stress and depression are found quite often in caregivers of patients with end-stage cancer. A comprehensive assessment of these conditions is important to provide initial support and ensure timely and appropriate access to treatment for those who are ill.

Keywords:  end-stage cancer patients, Caregiver, Stress, Depression


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How to Cite

สุนทร พ., อินทราวุธ ธ., บุญอริยเทพ ท., แก้วสุทธิ ธ. ., & ปินใจ ร. (2024). Prevalence and association factors of stress and depression in palliative caregivers for end-stage cancer patients. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 31(2), 17–33. Retrieved from



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