The effects of coaching on pain management practice guideline compliance and on clinical outcomes of post-orthopedic surgery patients


  • Sutina Wongchaya Male Orthopedic Department, Phare hospital
  • Jin Klawklar Male Orthopedic Department, Phare Hospital


Background:  Post-orthopedic surgery patients suffer from acute pain. In other words, the sufferings might be occurred from poor pain management process. The efficient pain management derived from the nurse’s compliance with the established guideline. The coaching process was thus one of the methods that could help nurses to achieve the improved pain management.

Objective: To examine the effects of pain management practice guideline implemented in conjunction with nurse coaching on pain management practice guideline compliance and on clinical outcomes of post-orthopedic surgery patients.

Study design: This quasi-experimental research with Independent t-test adopted Herminia Ibera’s coaching concept of as a conceptual framework of this study, which was conducted in May to June 2023. Its sample consisted of 8 professional nurses in male orthopedic ward, and 40 post-orthopedic surgery patients treated at male orthopedic ward of Phrae hospital. The data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, and Mann-Whitney U Test.

ResultAfter receiving coaching, the professional nurses had a higher score of pain management practice guideline compliance than the pre-test one at a statistical significance. The sample treated with pain management practice guideline in conjunction with nurse coaching (experimental group) had higher mean scores of perception towards nursing practices in pain management than their counterparts treated with pain management practice guideline alone at a statistical significance.

Conclusion:  Coaching could enable nurses to provide efficient patient care leading to good clinical outcomes for post-orthopedic surgery patients. The coaching process should be applied to the development of the quality of nursing care

KeywordsPain, coaching, post-operative


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How to Cite

วงศ์ฉายา ส., & แก้วกล้า จ. . . (2024). The effects of coaching on pain management practice guideline compliance and on clinical outcomes of post-orthopedic surgery patients. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 31(2), 34–47. Retrieved from



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