Effects of developing a surveillance and monitoring model for pregnant women at risk of preterm birth using a line application


  • Kanlaya Kitima Lamphun Hospital


Background:  Preterm birth is a major public health problem and requires a system of close monitoring and monitoring. To reduce the problem of preterm birth.

Objective: To develop the model and effectiveness of surveillance and monitoring of pregnant women at risk of preterm birth using LINE application.

Study design:  It is research and development. The sample consisted of 24 registered nurses in the Obstetric-Gynecological Outpatient Nursing Group, Obstetrics-Gynecology Building and Delivery Room Department at Lamphun Hospital, and pregnant women who received services at the antenatal clinic. Lamphun Hospital: 30 people. The tools used to conduct the research include counseling to monitor and monitor pregnant women at risk of preterm birth using a LINE application. Data collection tools include questionnaires for pregnant women, questionnaires for registered nurses and preterm birth incidence records. Analyze data with descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics including Paired t-test with a statistical significance level of 0.05.

Results: Consultation model to monitor and monitor pregnant women at risk of preterm birth using LINE application "Clinic Preterm" account is a form of education and consultation with infographics and online videos on risks, effects, risk factors and prevention of preterm birth. In terms of the effectiveness of the model, it was found that after the use of the model, pregnant women had knowledge of the risk of preterm birth and were able to better behave in preventing preterm birth statistical significance (p<0.05). And the majority 93.3% gave birth as scheduled. In terms of satisfaction with the model found that the sample of pregnant women and registered nurses had the highest satisfaction with the format (mean= 4.40 and 4.21)

Conclusions: This model helps to increase knowledge and results in pregnant women are aware of the importance of their practices in preventing preterm birth.

Keywords: Surveillance and Monitoring, Pregnant Women, Preterm Birth Risk, Line Application


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How to Cite

กิติมา ก. (2024). Effects of developing a surveillance and monitoring model for pregnant women at risk of preterm birth using a line application. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 31(2), 60–74. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/jpph/article/view/14553



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