The development of guidelines for patients arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis with one day surgery, Phrae hospital


  • Pichamon Insaen Phrae Hospital
  • Wilasinee Oppanunchai Phrae Hospital


Background: The arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis with one day surgery is one of the most popular surgical services in outpatient surgery, and it is on the rise.

Objective: To develop patient care guidelines and the results of using guidelines in arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis with one day surgery, Phrae Hospital.

Study design: It is research and development. The samples include registered nurses in the operating room 15 people and patients undergoing surgery between 1 June 2023 and 31 August 2023, 30 people. The instruments used to conduct the research include patient care guidelines. The tools used to collect data include personal records of registered nurses, patient personal data record form, nurse performance assessment form, satisfaction assessment form for registered nurses and patients, and incidence record form of cancelling or postponement of surgery due to preoperative patient unavailability and postoperative complications within 24 hours. Analyze qualitative data with content analysis and analyze quantitative data with frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

Results: Guidelines for patient care for Arteriovenous Fistula for hemodialysis with one day surgery, Phrae Hospital developed from empirical evidence, consists of 4 activities:1) one-day surgery appointment, 2) preoperative care, 3) intra operative care and 4) postoperative care. Results of using guidelines for patient care for arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis with one day surgery was found that more than 86.7% nurses were able to follow the activities of care. The highest level of satisfaction with the guidelines (mean= 4.29). Patients who underwent surgery had the highest level of satisfaction with the nursing care approach. (mean= 4.39). No incidence of cancelling or postponement of surgery due to preoperative patient unavailability included postoperative bleeding within 24 hours. Only pain was found accounting for 6.7 percent

Conclusions: The development of guidelines for patient care for Arteriovenous Fistula for hemodialysis with one day surgery. It is a process to improve the quality of services that benefit patients to receive safe and quality services.

Keywords: Arteriovenous Fistula, Chronic Kidney Disease, One Day Surgery


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How to Cite

อินแสน พ. ., & อุปนันไชย ว. . (2024). The development of guidelines for patients arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis with one day surgery, Phrae hospital. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 31(2), 88–103. Retrieved from



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