The effect of pre-operation preparing program on recovery in post abdominal surgery patients in surgery male ward, Phrae hospital


  • Suparat Meunhong phrae hospital
  • Chalomekhoun Surit Phrae Hospital
  • Khwandao Doungkaew Phrae Hospital


Background:  Open abdominal surgery is the major surgery that causes tissue injury within the body. Patients have problems recovering after surgery. Appropriate preparing patients can help them to behave correctly and appropriately starting from before surgery to after surgery, and promote recovery after surgery. The patients will have no postoperative complications and reduce the length of hospital stay.

Objective:   To compare the quality of recovery after surgery among patient groups receiving a preparation program to promote recovery after abdominal surgery and the group receiving normal nursing care

Study design: The sample of this quasi-experimental research consisted of male patients aged 18 years and older who had scheduled abdominal surgery of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary system, and received whole body anesthesia admitted to the male surgery ward at Phrae Hospital between February 2023 and August 2023. Descriptive statistics, such as frequency distribution, percentage, and Mann-Whitney U test, were used to analyze the data.

Results: The results indicated that the post operative quality of recovery scores of the experimental group at the1st day (x̅ =184.71, SD=5.08) and day3rd (x̅=192.28, SD=2.53) were significantly higher than the scores of the control group at the 1st day (x̅ = 171.99, SD=16.48) and 3rd day (x̅ =183.06, SD=10.24) after the operation (p-value=0.001).

Conclusions: Preparation program promoting the recovery of patients after abdominal surgery could promote postoperative recovery in abdominal surgery patients.

Keywords: Post abdominal surgery recovery, Enhancing postoperative recovery, ERAS


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How to Cite

หมื่นโฮ้ง ส. ., สุฤทธิ์ เ. ., & ดวงแก้ว ข. (2024). The effect of pre-operation preparing program on recovery in post abdominal surgery patients in surgery male ward, Phrae hospital. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 31(2), 104–117. Retrieved from



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