The Effects of the Educative-supportive Nursing program on Self-care of abdominal hysterectomy patients, Phrae hospital


  • Patcharapan Mueangmo Phrae Hospital
  • ็Hutsayaporn Intayos Long Hospital, Phrae


The Educative-supportive Nursing program, Self-care, Abdominal hysterectomy


Background:   Abdominal hysterectomy is the surgery entails substantial tissue trauma and heightened complication risks after surgery. Nurses wield critical influence in patient care by bolstering self-care capacities, expediting recovery, and facilitating a return to normalcy.

Objective:  To study the Effects of the Educative-supportive Nursing program on Self-care of abdominal hysterectomy patients, Phrae hospital.

Study design: This quasi-experimental research utilized a two-group pretest-posttest design. The sample comprised patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy aged 20-60 years. The sample size consisted of 54 cases, divided equally. The control group (n=27) received standard nursing care, while the experimental group (n=27) received the experimental interventions included the Educative-supportive Nursing program on Self-care, grounded in Orem's theoretical concepts, along with the innovative PH (Patcharapan and Hutsayaporn) Pain Relief Pillow. Data were analyzed using Chi-square test statistics and Man-Whitney U test statistics.

Results: Patients in the experimental group exhibited significantly greater knowledge about self-care and reported significantly lower pain levels at 24-, 48-, and 72-hours post-operation in comparison to the control group (p<0.05). The experimental group demonstrated significantly enhanced self-care abilities across all aspects compared to the control group (p<0.05). The experimental group expressed the highest level of satisfaction with the utilization of the PH Pain Relief Pillow innovation (n=27, Mean=4.82, S.D.=0.067).

Conclusions:  The nursing program, designed to support and provide self-care knowledge to patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy, plays a pivotal role in enhancing their self-care capabilities.

Keywords:  The Educative-supportive Nursing program, Self-care, Abdominal hysterectomy


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How to Cite

เหมืองหม้อ พ. ., & อินทยศ ห. . (2024). The Effects of the Educative-supportive Nursing program on Self-care of abdominal hysterectomy patients, Phrae hospital. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 32(1), 12–26. Retrieved from



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