Evaluation of shearing bond strength between different base surfaces of orthodontic metal brackets


  • เนตรพร กิจอุดม มหาวิทยาลัยเวสเทิร์น
  • Thanakrit Howannaphakorn Western Univerity
  • Chanakant Jindarojanakul Western Univerity


Background: For orthodontic treatment, we use orthodontic metal brackets were applied to bond on enamel surface. Recently, base of metal bracket surface was developed for better bonding and long last for entire treatment, in order to getting the best result of orthodontic treatment.
Objective: To evaluate shearing bond strength between different base surfaces of orthodontic metal brackets.
Study design: 20 same sized brackets, 10 monoblock and 10 mesh were used in this study and both groups were bonded with the same resin composite putting each specimen in a model ring which had 1.5cm. in diameter. Then testing for shearing bond strength was done by universal testing machine, cross-head speed was set at 1mm. per minute. The cross-head was applied until bracket failure occurred.
Result: shearing bond strenght of monoblock was 45.98 MPa, while mesh was 31.7 MPa. Shearing bond strength comparing between monoblock and mesh had no significant difference.
Conclusion: in the study, different base of metal bracket surface, monoblock and mesh, metal brackets had no different in shearing bond strength.
Keywords: shearing bond strength, surface of metal orthodontic brackets


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How to Cite

กิจอุดม เ., หอวรรณภากร ธ. ., & จินดาโรจนกุล ช. . (2025). Evaluation of shearing bond strength between different base surfaces of orthodontic metal brackets. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 32(2), 1–7. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/jpph/article/view/15541