A machine learning for predict alpha thalassemia carier in pregnant women at prenatal care, Phrae Hospital.


  • ประเสริฐ จันทนสกุลวงศ์ โรงพยาบาลแพร่
  • Tanawatchai Suriya Phrae Hospital
  • Sakulrhat Ariyapetch Phrae Hospital


Background: Screening for alpha thalassemia carriers uses MCV and DCIP test, which are low- accuracy. Currently, Machine learning is increasingly being used.
Objective: To create and find the best machine learning model that performs best in predicting alpha thalassemia carriers.
Study design: This paper is a Diagnostic research study. Data were collected. Cross-sectional from data on pregnant women and their husbands from 2014-2023, 592 couples, 1184 cases, selected data for 161 cases, alpha-thal trait vs non-alpha-thal trait (66:95), using basic red blood cell test values HCT, HGB, RBC, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW and AGE. To create ML algorithms models for computers to learn and make predictions using the Python language in the Google Colab program. Show the performance of the models with accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and area under ROC curve.
Result: It was found that the studied dataset (66:95) divided into train:test set (80:20) ML data provided efficiency in predicting alpha thalassemia carriers as follows: DT: ACC, Sn, Sp, AUC DT: 97,100,95,0.9643, RF: 97,100,95,1.0000 ADA: 97,100,95,0.9737 XGB: 97,100,95,0.9699 LR: 97,100,95,0.9963 DL: 93.9,100, 90.5 ,0.9774 and SVM: 97,100,95,1.0000.
Conclusion: ADA is the best performance, with a prediction accuracy of up to 97%. It can reduce the cost of PCR tests in non-alpha thalassemia carriers.
Keywords: machine learning, alpha thalassemia trait, google colab, pregnant women


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How to Cite

จันทนสกุลวงศ์ ป., สุริยะ ธ. . ., & อริยะเพชร ส. . (2025). A machine learning for predict alpha thalassemia carier in pregnant women at prenatal care, Phrae Hospital. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 32(2), 20–28. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/jpph/article/view/15781