The Results of applying Lean Concepts to the Development of One Day Surgery Service System at Phrae Hospital


  • Nognyaow Tharawan กลุ่มงานการพยาบาลวิสัญญี
  • Usa Prongjai Phrae Hospital
  • Piyachat Kardsawang Phrae Hospital
  • Pornpanit Putpetkaew Phrae Hospital


Background: According to the public health strategic plan, there is a policy to develop a One Day Surgery (ODS) service system. Phrae Hospital has therefore developed this service system but still encounters with excessive work processes.
Objective: To identify waste in the work processes by applying lean concepts to the development of the One Day Surgery service system at Phrae Hospital.
Study design: This is a prospective study was conducted at Phrae Hospital involving patients undergoing One Day Surgery from May 2021 to July 2021, using the Lean concept to analyze waste in the work process and process design New before-after comparison according to the case record form created by the researcher. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Differences before and after the implementation were examinated using mean score analysis of patient satisfaction regarding the service was computed.
Results: There were a total of 73 patients who underwent ODS, consisting of 48 patients with inguinal hernia, with a mean age of 58.63 years, most of them had ASA class 2 (58.90%) and 25 patients with breast mass, with a mean age of 44.64 years, most of them had ASA class 1 (60%) Decease waiting time in the surgery day process from 65 minutes to 45 minutes. Number of patients who did not receive Home medicine from 1 to 0. Number of charts, patients who overdid the bill from 1 to 0. Number of steps in the nurse manager filing system from 78 steps to 2 steps and no postoperative complications were observed, both surgical and anesthetic. The patients presented the highest level of satisfaction with the single-day surgical service, instead accounting for 90.2%.
Conclusion: Using the Lean concept to develop the ODS service process allows both patients to reduce waiting times. Reduce redundant screening procedures in crowded areas on the day of surgery. and increase the value of checking documents and deliverables to patients before sending them to the ward Patients are most satisfied with the service
Keywords: Lean concept, One Day Surgery, service


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How to Cite

ธราวรรณ น., โปร่งใจ อ. ., กาศแสวง ป. ., & ผุดเพชรแก้ว พ. . (2025). The Results of applying Lean Concepts to the Development of One Day Surgery Service System at Phrae Hospital. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 32(2), 38–47. Retrieved from