The Effects of Nursing Practice Guidelines of the Newborn Modified Early Warning Scoring (NEWS) in Neonatal Care, Phrae Hospital


  • สัญญาลักษณ์ สุทธนะ โรงพยาบาลแพร่
  • Kullapat Limsamutpetch Phrae Hospital


Background: The use of Newborn Modified Early Warning Signs indicators in Sick Newborn wards helps to properly assess patients before entering a critical condition. It will reduce the incidence of unplanned ICU transfers.
Objective: To investigate the effects of the use of Newborn Modified Early Warning Signs guidelines. In the Sick Newborn ward, Phrae Hospital.
Study design: This study was a two-group historical control design research. Measure before
and after the experiment In the Sick Newborn ward, Phrae Hospital uses the guidelines for monitoring the warning signs of neonatal crisis. The sample used in the study was neonatal patients admitted to the Sick Newborn ward, Phrae Hospital: 368 patients in the control group received nursing according to the original guidelines. Historical data was collected on 202 experimental groups. 166 patients were nursed according to the Newborn Modified Early Warning Signs guidelines, analyzed data using descriptive statistics, and compared the differences between groups with T-Test or Rank sum test, Exact probability test, and logistic regression.
Results: In the group that received the Newborn Modified Early Warning Signs guidelines, there was a lower ICU transfer rate than the group that used the same guidelines when adjusting for different gestational age. It was found that the use of Newborn Modified Early Warning Signs guidelines measures can reduce ICU transfers without a plan by 88%.
Conclusion: The use of Newborn Modified Early Warning Signs guidelines indicators in Sick Newborn ward reduces the incidence of unplanned ICU transfers. Newborn Modified Early Warning Signs guidelines should be adopted.
Keywords: neonatal, Newborn Modified Early Warning Signs guidelines, unplanned ICU transfer


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How to Cite

สุทธนะ ส., & ลิ้มสมุทรเพชร ก. (2025). The Effects of Nursing Practice Guidelines of the Newborn Modified Early Warning Scoring (NEWS) in Neonatal Care, Phrae Hospital. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 32(2), 48–58. Retrieved from