Effects of discharge planning for patients with hematuria using the D-METHOD model on nursing skills and satisfaction with nursing services


  • Tidalux Kaewjaem โรงพยาบาลแพร่
  • Sirikan Jinawin Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phrae, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute


discharge planning, quality improvement, hematuria


Background:   Discharge planning is intended to help patients prepare for their own care. After leaving the hospital and being able to return to living in society.

Objective:   Compare the behavior of patients with gross hematuria before and after discharge planning, the behavior of each group, and study the satisfaction with nursing services of these patients using the D-METHOD model.

Study design: This study It is quasi-experimental research with comparison group and evaluate before and after to aim for the quality of discharge planning for patients with gross hematuria in the Surgery Department, Phrae Hospital, using the D-METHOD model discharge plan. The population used in the study was patients with gross hematuria admitted to the department selected by simple random sampling. The sample size was calculated using the ready-made computer program G Power The tools used to conduct the study included: 1) Guidelines for discharge planning of patients with blood in their urine. 2) Patient personal information record form 3) Assessment of patients’ behavior with gross hematuria and 4) Assessment of satisfaction with nursing services.

results:  The research results showed that both study subjects, aged 51 to 60 years old, were all diagnosed with kidney stones, a total of 14 people, accounting for 37.84%. Both groups had HT and DLP. Comparing the two groups, there were no differences. The behavioral scoring results of patients with gross hematuria in the experimental group after discharge from the hospital using the D-METHOD model increased with statistical significance. The experimental group had higher behavioral scores and satisfaction scores with nursing services than the control group.

Conclusion:  Patient discharge planning Using the D-METHOD model of discharge planning, it is a patient discharge system that allows patients to take care of themselves.

Keywords:  discharge planning, quality improvement, hematuria


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How to Cite

แก้วแจ่ม ธ., & จินาวิน ศ. . (2024). Effects of discharge planning for patients with hematuria using the D-METHOD model on nursing skills and satisfaction with nursing services. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 32(1), 1–11. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/jpph/article/view/15188



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