Effectiveness of Capital Plan Database Management System Program of Chiang Rai Provincial Public Health Office
information technology, database management system program, capital PlanAbstract
Background: Collection capital plan list of Chiang Rai provincial public health office prepared by the use of unsystematic documentation. Therefore, unable to analyze the details and readiness of the capital plan. Chiang Rai Provincial Public Health Office has developed a capital plan database management system program for fiscal 2020. This program was used to create and store a capital plan database and have the purpose to increase the effectiveness, accuracy, timeliness, and responsiveness of the user needs for the preparation of a capital plan for the health care unit at all levels.
Aim: To study the effectiveness of the capital plan database management system program (Capital CR Program) of the Chiang Rai Provincial Public Health Office.
Methods: This study was a quantitative research quasi-experimental control design study. The sample group consisted of public health officials responsible for the preparation of capital plans for each health care unit level of Tumbon Health Promoting Hospitals, District Hospitals, and Representatives of the Health Care Unit Management Group, 40 people/group (Ratio 1:1), A total of 80 people were randomly assigned. The research instrument of this study was as follows: 1) Capital plan database management system program 2) The assessment of success information systems forms. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and reference statistics to the z-test and independent t-test.
Results: The results of this study showed that this program was productive to increase the data accuracy of building lists and durable lists (p=0.0002, p<0.0001, respectively), increased the timeliness of submitting the capital plan lists (p<0.001) and increased the responsiveness of the user needs (p<0.001).
Conclusions: The Capital Plan Database Management System Program of the Chiang Rai Provincial Public Health Office can be used to manage a database of the capital plan.
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