Causal Factors Affecting the Parcel Operational Effectiveness of Tertiary Level Hospital in Phitsanulok Province
causal factor, parcel operational effectiveness, tertiary level hospitalAbstract
Background: The pilot study in Chiang Rai. It was found that 61.8% of public health officials were at the level of uncertainty. Almost all of them require more information for decision-making. Therefore, there should be a good format for personnel preparation.
Aim: The purpose of this research were to study 1) study the level of the parcel operational effectiveness of Tertiary Level Hospital Phitsanulok Province; 2) test the consistency of the developed model for causal relationship between factors affecting the parcel operational effectiveness with the empirical data; and 3) explore the direct, indirect and total influences of causal factors affecting the parcel operational effectiveness of Tertiary Level Hospital Phitsanulok Province.
Methods: There were 285 participants used as a sample group. A path analysis model was administered to test the consistency of the developed model for causal relationship between factors affecting the operational effectiveness with the empirical data and to explore the direct, indirect and total effects on the operational effectiveness.
Results: The results of the study were as follows: 1) the parcel operational effectiveness of Tertiary Level Hospital Phitsanulok Province was at a low level; 2) Results of consistent with the empirical data from the index criteria used to test the consistency of the developed model. A model consistent level up to standardized. Conclusions the developed model for causal relationship was consistent with the empirical data; and 3) Administrators’ leadership, personnel’s morale, personnel’s participation, organizational atmosphere, and information technology had a direct, indirect, and total direct effects on the parcel operational effectiveness at a significant level of .01.
Conclusions: It was found that the personnel’s participation, organizational atmosphere, and information technology had indirect effects on parcel operational effectiveness by their passing personnel’s morale.
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