Development of a Learning Course of the Transferring Tumbon Health Promoting Hospital to the Provincial Administration Organization for Public Health Personnel
learning course development, transferring hospital, tumbon health promoting hospital, provincial administration organization, Public Health PersonnelAbstract
Background: The Chiang Rai pilot study found that 61.8% of public health officials were at the level of uncertainty. Almost all require enough information to make a decision. Therefore, there should be a preparation of learning for personnel about transferring to staff first.
Aim: To develop Learning courses for public health personnel transferring Tumbon Health Promoting Hospital to Provincial Administration Organization.
Methods: This research and development have three steps include 1) to study the decision-making situation of the public health personnel; 2) to design a Learning course; 3) to study the effectiveness of the Learning courses.
Results: The Learning courses for public health personnel transferring from Tumbon Health Promoting Hospital to Provincial Administration Organization should have three aspects: Law, Organization, and Personnel have a total of 14 components. The effectiveness of the preparation mode between the experimental and control groups found that the proportion was not sure to decrease significantly (p= 0.021). The mean scores, knowledge, attitudes, and personnel opinion on readiness increased significantly (p=0.001, 0.003, 0.03, respectively).
Conclusions: Learning courses for transferring sub-district health-promoting hospitals to the Provincial Administrative Organization for public health personnel cloud be applied to a larger population.
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- 2022-08-10 (2)
- 2022-04-01 (1)
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