The Development of a Discharge Planning Model for End-Stage Lung Cancer Patients Wishing to Die at Home


  • panu odklun


Discharge planning model, End-stage lung cancer, End-Stage Lung Cancer Patients Wishing to Die at Home



Background: Cancer is currently one of the major public health problems in the world. The most common problem is caring for cancer patients, where patients and their relatives often lack the readiness to face the end-stage changes of the disease and a handful of patients wish to die at home.

Aim: to develop a discharge planning model for end-stage lung cancer patients wishing to die at home.

Methods: 30 persons used purposive sampling. The instrument was a questionnaire that the researcher created, the validity (IOC) equals 0.67-1.00, and the reliability equals 0.75; the data were analyzed using percentage frequency and content analysis.

Results: The discharge planning model takes 3-5 days. There are 3 topics, 1) Advance planning consists of an Advance Care Plan, Family meeting, and Discharge Planning. 2) Inpatient Care consists of Nursing care according to circumstances, Symptom Management, Counseling process, and Health Education. 3) Continuing care consists of home visits, Counseling patients and relatives over the phone, and Bereavement Care.  Patients and caregivers had the highest satisfaction with the patient discharge planning model in terms of 1) advance planning (57.78%) 2) hospital care (65.56%), and 3) continuing care (60%).

Conclusion: Planning helps prepare to serve patients effectively. Taking care of patients throughout their time in the hospital helps patients recover faster. Providing continuous services to patients and their families helps patients to be as self-reliant as possible.

Keywords: Discharge planning model, End-stage lung cancer, End-Stage Lung Cancer Patients Wishing to Die at Home


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How to Cite

odklun, panu. (2024). The Development of a Discharge Planning Model for End-Stage Lung Cancer Patients Wishing to Die at Home. Public Health Innovation Research and Development - การวิจัยและพัฒนานวัตกรรมสาธารณสุข, 2(1), 82–93. Retrieved from