Development model, Drug resistant organism, Patient careAbstract
This research and development objective was to develop and study the effects of using a model of care patients with drug-resistant infections in Chumphon Khet Udomsakdi Hospital. Two groups of samples were 112 registered nurses, and a group of 150 patients were divided into a group of 75 patients who used a model of care patients with drug-resistant infections and a group of 75 patients who cared for patients with normal drug-resistant infections. Data was collected between May 2022 - May 2023. The research tools were the development plan for the care model for patients with drug-resistant infections, guidelines for prevention and control of the spread of drug-resistant infections, and collecting data with a practice record form, knowledge questionnaire, satisfaction questionnaire, and data record form for patients with drug-resistant infections. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Paired t-test, Chi-square, McNemar x2, relative risk (RR) analysis, and qualitative data analysis by content analysis. The study found that the model of care for patients with drug-resistant infections consists of guidelines for the care of patients with drug-resistant infections. educating supervision and support of equipment and tools After using the format, the average knowledge score increased significantly at the.05 level, and the correctness of practice increased significantly at the.05 level. The registered nurses were satisfied with the model at a high level. The incidence of drug-resistant infections in the hospital decreased by about 0.42 times, the mortality rate decreased by about 0.38 times, and the cost of antimicrobial drugs and the number of hospitalization days decreased significantly at the.05 level. Conclusion: A model for caring for drug-resistant sepsis patients that is suitable for the context of the hospital. As a result, personnel have the knowledge to properly care for patients with drug-resistant infections. The incidence of drug-resistant infections in hospitals and death rates decreased. It is recommended that the agency have a policy to develop a form of care for patients with drug-resistant infections for personnel to increase work efficiency.
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