Effectiveness, Vaccine, Covid-19, Disease prevention, Confirmed COVID-19 patientAbstract
This Mix method research has the objective of studying the factors related to COVID-19 infection, effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine and prepare policy proposals for surveillance and prevention of COVID-19 disease. The sample group consists of people who received the COVID-19 vaccine. at Sanamchaikhet Hospital Between April and September 2022, there were 392 people, and the key informants were 10 public health personnel at Sanamchaikhet Hospital, tools used to collect data include vaccination service recipient information records, and group discussion recordings. The data were analyzed using Chi-square test statistics, Multiple logistic regression statistics and analyzed qualitative data by analyzing content analysis. The results of the study found that factors related to COVID-19 infection include: the number of vaccines received is related to COVID-19 infection. Statistically significant at the .05 level. When analyzing the effectiveness of the number of vaccines received, it was found that receiving 2 vaccine doses was effective in preventing COVID-19 by 1.31 times (95% CI = 1.108–1.631) and receiving 3 vaccine doses was effective in protecting against COVID-19 by 1.20 times (95% CI = 1.945–2.231) compared to receiving 1 dose of vaccine. Policy proposals for surveillance, prevention, and care for COVID-19 patients include: 1) increasing COVID-19 vaccine coverage in all age groups. 2) Develop a COVID-19 vaccine management system. Focusing on convenient access to services Reduce travel and save costs, and 3) integrate cooperation from the private sector and civil society to promote COVID-19 disease prevention. Results from this study can be used to formulate policies and plan management of surveillance, prevention, and treatment for COVID-19 to continue to have maximum efficiency.
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