Why We Drink so Much - ทำไมคนไทยถึงขี้เมา


  • Thaksaphon Thamarangsi International Health Policy Program, Thailand


alcohol, alcohol consumption, adult consumption per capita


               Alcohol consumption in Thailand has increased significantly since 1961. The WHO Global Alcohol Database indicates that adult per capita consumption was 8.47 litres of pure alcohol by the year 2001, beer consumption has clearly increased recently, in particular. Thai consumption situation has three different characteristics, compared with those countries at the same level of consumption. These are low drinker prevalence with significant gender difference, high proportion of spirit consumption, and very high consumption per drinker.

               Since drinker prevalence, as well as drinking frequency, has changed minimally over time, consumption per occasion, then, is the most influential factor for the visible growth of Thai adult per capita consumption. Along with increasing consumption, there has been an increase in alcohol availability such that physical availability was unlikely to be a constraint for the Thai drinker. The real price for spirits remained at almost the same level between 1986 and 2001, while beer prices have decreased over time. Conversely, GDP per capita and household expenditure for beverage alcohol have shown its increasing general affordability. Furthermore, alcohol promotion increased massively between 1989 and 2003. Consumption volume, as well as drinking pattern, is directly related to severity of alcohol-related problems. To reduce alcohol consumption, Thailand urgently needs effective alcohol policy, including alcohol availability control measures, and well-enforced implementation.


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How to Cite

ธรรมรังสี ท. . (2021). Why We Drink so Much - ทำไมคนไทยถึงขี้เมา. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 15(3), 335–346. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/JHS/article/view/10044



Review Article (บทความปริทัศน์)