Health Status Report among Thai Population: The Analysis of the Health and Welfare Survey 2003 - รายงานสถานะสุขภาพคนไทย : การวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลจากการสำรวจอนามัยและสวัสดิการ พ.ศ. ๒๕๔๖
health status, Health and Welfare Survey 2003, physical health score, mental health score, construct validityAbstract
In 2003, National Statistical Office and International Health Policy Program developed the 9 items for assessing health status. The 9 items consist of 4 items assessing physical health (mobility, self care, usual activities, illness/ discomfort), 3 items assessing mental health (anxiety/ depressed, cognition, social function) and 2 items assessing overall health (when compared with last year, and others). The measure was named the 9-THAI (9-item Thai Health status Assessment Instrument). The objectives of this study were to report health status of Thai general population from the survey and examine known-group validity of the 9-THAI.
In all, 37,202 Thais aged 15 years or over were sampled from in- and out- municipality in every province by using stratified two stage sampling method. Health status among subjects who lived in northern region, out-municipality, had income in poorest quintile, or were in Universal Coverage (30 baht) scheme were lowest. They reported significantly higher percentage of problems in 7 health domains, lower physical and mental scores than those living in other regions, in-municipality, having higher income, or being eligible to other insurance schemes, when statistically tested by Chi-square, t-test, ANOVA methods as appropriate. Health policy makers should be concerned with these specific groups. Higher percentage of problem in 7 domains and lower scores of physical and mental scores were also found in poor health groups including those who reported having sickness, being hospitalized or having chronic diseases. The results supported validity of the 9-THAI for future applications.
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