Factors Associated with Quality of Life among Working Age People in PakPhun Community, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province
quality of life, wellness, working age peopleAbstract
The development that aims to build the quality of life and wellness and to help working age people have potential to be ready for the changes of economy, society, and technology is immune against those future changes and difference. This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the quality of life of working age people, and study factors associated with the quality of life. The sampling group using Taro Yamane’s formula consisted of 396 persons from 12 villages in Pak Phun Municipality, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province of Thailand. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and to find Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. The results revealed that the average age of females was 44 years (54.3 %, SD=11.68) and they were service workers. Appoximately 46.0 percent of them earn 5,001-10,000 baht per month; 48.5 of them earned enough salary but no savings; and 88.4 percent of them had never had an income and expense account. Moreover, 92.7 percent of them had selected universal health coverage service. In terms of factors associated with the quality of life, it was at good level (63.9%). The quality of life was at good level (82.3%), and happiness level was also at good level (70.7%). Personal factors such as salary, health service selection, and education were positively significantly associated with the quality of life. However, marital status, age, and sufficiency for income were negatively correlated with the quality of life. Factors associated with working age people’ quality of life such as health, standard of living, social relationship, and working were positively significantly associated with the quality of life. The results suggest that stakeholders in the community of both public sector and private sector pay the most attention to those factors associated with working age people in order to drive Pak Phun community’s economy and boost the working age people to be healthy in the community.
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