Outcome of Motivational Interviewing on Decision to Get COVID-19 Vaccine


  • Terdsak Detkong Bureau of Mental Health Academic Affairs, Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
  • Luechanya Thanaphakawat Bureau of Mental Health Academic Affairs, Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
  • Thidarat Tipchot Bureau of Mental Health Academic Affairs, Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
  • Passana Gunadhivadhana Bureau of Mental Health Academic Affairs, Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand


motivational interviewing, COVID-19 vaccine, vaccine hesitancy


Getting COVID-19 vaccination is essential to prevent disease and complication from COVID-19. Some of target population still show hesitancy to get vaccination. In this study, researchers had implemented Motivational Interviewing (MI) process integrating into suggestion process of getting COVID-19 vaccination, with the objective to assess the effectiveness of MI to promote COVID-19 vaccination for those who were hesitant to get vaccine. This one group quasi experiment research design was conducted in 1,342 subjects who were reluctant to receive COVID-19 vaccines. Data were collected from reports by 13 mental health centers across Thailand between 22 and 30 November 2021; and were analyzed by using descriptive statistics (percentages and means) and Chi-Square test. The result showed that 68.4 percent of subject decided to get the vaccine after first step of MI [the VA step: vaccine advice]. For those who still hesitated to get vaccine [N=424] they proceeded to the second step of MI [the VI step: vaccine intervention], and 75.2 percent of them decided to get the vaccine. When the combination of the 2 steps together, 92.2% had decided to get vaccine. Thus, the brief application of Motivational Interviewing applying the 2 steps of VA and VI could promote decision to get COVID-19 vaccine in the reluctant people. In conclusion, this MI practice which takes 5 to 10 minutes can be applied for the promotion of health behaviors and acceptance of vaccination against other existing or emerging infectious diseases.


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How to Cite

เดชคง เ., ธนภควัต ล., ทิพโชติ ธ., & คุณาธิวัฒน์ พ. (2023). Outcome of Motivational Interviewing on Decision to Get COVID-19 Vaccine. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 32(2), 312–321. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/JHS/article/view/13628



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)