The Development and Innovative Demonstration Kit to Overcome Pain and Rehabilitative Health with Local Wisdom for the Elderly: a Case Study of Nongchaisi Sub-District, Nong Hong District, Buriram Province


  • Surin Sirasungnern Ban Krabueangnoi Health Promoting Hospital Nongchaisi Sub-district Nonghong District Buriram Province, Thailand
  • Damrong Sirasungnern Ban Krabueangnoi Health Promoting Hospital Nongchaisi Sub-district Nonghong District Buriram Province, Thailand


innovation to rehabilitative health, homebound elderly, local wisdom


Thailand is stepping into a completely aging society. There are changes in both economic and social aspects from extended families to single families. Elderly people have to face natural changes both physically and mentally. Elderly people have the disease 4 times more than other ages. Over 65 years old, 4 in 5 people have at least 1 underlying disease, resulting in a decrease in the ability to perform daily activities. Assessment of the ability to perform daily activities in the homebound elderly group found that there were mobility problems, problems with muscle atrophy, and caregivers do not have equipment to promote health recovery. As a result, the homebound elderly group became the bedbound elderly group. After analyzing the problems, the issues that need to be developed under the context and local wisdom were adapted by bringing together 11 items of innovations in the bag. Care giver to promote the rehabilitation of the homebound elderly group. The research and development objectives are to develop an innovative demonstration kit to overcome pain and rehabilitate health with local wisdom for the elderly and to study the effectiveness of innovation in terms of user satisfaction and ability to perform daily activities. The research study between October 2020 and May 2022. The sample group consisted of 30 homebound elderly in Nongchaisri Sub-district. The statistics used were mean and standard deviation. The study found that in the sample group, most of them can help themselves, can move well, have better limb strength, and sit and get out of bed to do various activities. Some sample groups can go out to participate in social activities and perform daily activities such as washing face, brushing teeth, showering, combing hair, eating food, wearing clothes, and being able to go to the toilet by themselves. The percentage 46.67 had ADL scores that changed from the homebound elderly group to the socially elderly group. The percentages 53.33% had ADL scores that had improved from before in all cases. The summary that the guidelines for long-term care of the elderly by promoting the restoration of the health of the elderly. The finding and using social capital to apply local wisdom, partner organizations in the community take part in solving the problem, community families get involved, and integration of budgets support from all sectors. Cause the elderly to perform daily activities by themselves, reducing their dependence. The results made Nongchaisri Sub-district has been selected as an outstanding integrated health self-management Sub-district at the ninth health zone level and a model Sub-district for quality of life management in Buriram province.


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How to Cite

สีระสูงเนิน ส., & สีระสูงเนิน ด. (2025). The Development and Innovative Demonstration Kit to Overcome Pain and Rehabilitative Health with Local Wisdom for the Elderly: a Case Study of Nongchaisi Sub-District, Nong Hong District, Buriram Province. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 34(1), 46–58. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)