Development of Information System for Workforce Management in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kalasin Hospital


  • Sunthorn Teerapattanapong Department of Secondary and Tertiary Care, Kalasin Hospital
  • Yaowaret Kanmali Research and Nursing Development Group, Kalasin Hospital
  • Bussarin Khianman Department of Nursing, Kalasin Hospital
  • Piyanut Somranrean Medical Information Group, Kalasin Hospital, Thailand


information system, workforce management, COVID-19


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) severely affected in many areas, especially the increasing need for medical care, while the capacity of service and health care worker were limited. There was COVID-19 infection in health care workers in Kalasin hospital between late January to February with 3-8 cases/day, increased from 7.02% to 11.50% within about a month. Therefore it was necessary to develop an information system for workforce management in the COVID-19 pandemic, Kalasin Hospital. The purpose of this study was to assess the needs and develop guideline on the information system for workforce management, establish information system and implement with evaluation on the efficiency. The research and development process contained 4 phases: (1) the preparedness, (2) the system development, (3) implementation, and (4) evaluation of the efficiency. The samples consisted of 113 users and administrators using Krejcie & Morgan formula for sample size calculation and applying random selection. The research instruments consisted of an information system for workforce management, a record form for number of users, satisfaction survey form and efficiency evaluation form. The study revealed that the information system for workforce management consisted of report section and dashboard. There were 8 episodes of COVID-19 infections in hospital wards causing crisis; and the information system was promptly utilyzed to resolve the problem. The overall mean score of satisfaction was at a high level (Mean=4.36, SD=0.82; Mean=4.36, SD=0.78), and the overall mean score of efficiency was also at a highest level (Mean=4.52, SD=0.98; Mean=4.60, SD=0.57).


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How to Cite

ธีรพัฒนพงศ์ ส., ก้านมะลิ เ., เขียนแม้น บ., & สำราญรื่น ป. (2023). Development of Information System for Workforce Management in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kalasin Hospital. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 32(4), 702–713. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)