Development of a Risk Communication Model during Public Health Emergencies in Thailand: Major Disease Outbreak Situations


  • Sumanee Wacharasint Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health
  • Porntip Wachiradilok Retired Government Official, Thailand


risk communication model, public health emergencies, major disease outbreak


This study aimed to explore risk communication management in public health emergencies in Thailand and other countries using the COVID-19 pandemic as a case study; and develop a risk communication model in public health emergencies for the control of major disease outbreaks in Thailand. This quality research and development model was divided into 4 phases including phase 1: synthesis and integration of knowledge composed of documentation review, in-dept interview and group discussion. Key informants were 149 stakeholders from public and private sectors, Phase 2: development of a risk communication management model during Public Health Emergencies in Thailand, Phase 3: testing of the draft model among 9 risk communication senior experts and 200 stakeholders, and Phase 4: improvement of a risk communication model. From this study, we found that emergency risk communication during the COVID-19 pandemic was focused on promoting common understanding between message senders and receivers through preparation of pre-crisis communication using appropriate communication channels such as online social media, meeting with the press and promoting proper public decisions and efficient actions to respond to the occurring threat. We, therefore, proposed a risk communication management in public health emergencies called a CAT-D model which had 4 elements, i.e., (1) Strengthening of Risk Communication at Provincial Level - main activities should include establishment of provincial risk communication unit (formal structure) in provincial health offices and relevant non-health sectors, designation and training of spokespersons, and establishment of a risk communication plan that links properly up to the central level, (2) Active Engagement with stakeholders: to build up relationship with stakeholders in public, private and civil society sectors, (3) Using Technologies, Tools and Innovations for Risk Communication Messages: to include also the infodemic management during the situation, and (4) Establishment of Data Hub for Information Management and Easy Access: to prepare for emergencies which should work closely with the Joint Information Center (JIC) of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). All elements should be operationalized in all phrased, i.e., (1) preparedness for the crisis, (2) response to the crisis, and mitigation following the crisis.


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How to Cite

วัชรสินธุ์ ส., & วชิรดิลก พ. (2024). Development of a Risk Communication Model during Public Health Emergencies in Thailand: Major Disease Outbreak Situations. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 33(3), 465–476. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)