The Use of Glucose Challenge Test as a Diagnostic Test for Gestational Diabetes - การใช้การตรวจคัดกรองเบาหวานในการวินิจฉัยเบาหวานขณะตั้งครรภ์
The objective of this study was to evaluate the positive predictive value of 50-g glucose challenge test for diagnosis of gestational diabetes (GDM). It was undertaken at Trang Hospital by reviewing the medical records of pregnant women who had a 50-g GCT value of >140 mg/dL followed by a100-g glucose tolerance test (100-g GTT) between July 2014 and July 2015. Results were classified in 10 mg/dL increments. GDM was
diagnosed using Carpenter and Coustan criteria. The current study included 943 cases from universal screening of 4,636 pregnant women. The incidence of GDM was 3.7%. A 50-g GCT cut-off value of >230 mg/dL provided 95.0% positive predictive value for diagnosis of GDM with 0.1% probability for overdiagnosis. Among population with positive screening who had at least one risk factor of GDM, a 50-g GCT threshold of >236 mg/dL could be interpreted as GDM without a false positive case and confirmation by 100-g GTT was not required.For a policy of universal screening of GDM, a 50-g GCT may be employed as a diagnostic test when the value is >230 mg/dL.
Key words: gestational diabetes, glucose challenge test, diagnosis