Operation of District Public Health Executives in the Three Million - Three Years Anti-Smoking Project (Quit For King): a Qualitative Study


  • Sudkhanoung Ritruechai Bureau of Primary Health Care System Support, Office of the Permanent Secretary for Public Health
  • Suparpit von Bormann Institute of Nursing, Suranaree University of Technology
  • Sunanta Thongpat Policy and Planning Section, National Institute for Emergency Medicine
  • Wilaiporn Khamwong Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nonthaburi Province, Thailand
  • Wannaporn Boonpleng Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nonthaburi Province, Thailand
  • Janejira Kiatsinsap Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nonthaburi Province, Thailand


operation, district public health executive, anti-smoking project


This qualitative research aimed at exploring the experiences of district public health executives in driving the ‘3 million 3 year smoking cessation’ project throughout Thailand, dedicated to honor the late King. Fourteen officers, working in the field voluntary participated. The research included collecting data after clarifying the research information, asking for consent and doing a focus group within 90 minutes. Thematic data analysis was applied. The results showed that the participants had gained the following experiences: (1) Forwarding the project to success by continuing the previous project, increasing involvement of executive officers and network partners in supporting the project, collaborating work, smoking cessation as a role model, and creating outstanding activities by organizing cycling activities throughout the country, (2) Discovering success factors, such as this project being conducted to honor the late King, (3) Overcoming problems and obstacles, including linking the information about quitting smoking in the database of the Ministry of Public Health, unofficial coordination, budget management according to the context of the area, and human resource management to run the project. Based on these findings, policy makers should encourage agencies to continue the project by factoring into routine work, allocating budgets that are appropriate for the operation, and providing a data collection system for involved health workers to track cigarette smokers supporting them in their efforts to quit.


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How to Cite

ฤทธิ์ฤาชัย ส., โฟน โบร์แมนน์ ศ., ทองพัฒน์ ส., ขำวงษ์ ว. ., บุญเปล่ง ว., & เกียรติสินทรัพย์ เ. (2020). Operation of District Public Health Executives in the Three Million - Three Years Anti-Smoking Project (Quit For King): a Qualitative Study. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 29(3), 445–454. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/JHS/article/view/9202



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)