Development of Care Model for Psychiatric Patients at Amnatcharoen Hospital, Ubol Ratchathani Province, Thailand


  • Phakarin Chitdee Amnatcharoen Hospital, Amnatcharoen Province, Thailand
  • Sujarit Tumjan Amnatcharoen Hospital, Amnatcharoen Province, Thailand
  • Petsri Sararath Amnatcharoen Hospital, Amnatcharoen Province, Thailand
  • Auchara Pilathong Amnatcharoen Hospital, Amnatcharoen Province, Thailand
  • Pissamai Tipvaree Amnatcharoen Hospital, Amnatcharoen Province, Thailand
  • Daraporn Singthong Amnatcharoen Hospital, Amnatcharoen Province, Thailand


psychiatric disorder, chronic care model, care of psychiatric patients


The objective of this study was to develop a care model for psychiatric patients at Amnatcharoen Hospital using the Chronic Care Model framework. The duration of study was from October 2015 to March 2017. The study participants were personnel in mental health clinic at Amnatcharoen Hospital, a clinical psychologist, an internist, staff at health promoting hospitals in Muang District, staffs from health center, psychiatric patients and their relatives. The total number of participants were 101. The operation was assessed quantitatively and qualitatively. The study used descriptive statistics to explain the results of qualitative operation. Percentage statistic measured Work load of patient care was measure by using percentage. In the process, a model of psychiatric pateint care network was clearly stablished; and a clinical practice guideline was developed. After 6 months of operation, the graded prognosis score (GPA) had improved (from 2.556 to 9.54) which implied that the patients had better mental health. The caring load of relatives was alos found to be reduced; and better attitude was also observed. The qualitative assessment revealed that the percentage of missing appointment reduced to 8.40%; and the percentage of lacking of medicine reduced to 5.30%. The study had a limitation as there was an uncontrollable factor affecting psychiatric patients’ symptoms due to the difference in medicines for treating each psychiatric patient. Continued evaluation of the model was recommended every 3 months, 6 months and 1 year.


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How to Cite

ชิดดี ภ., ทุมจันทร์ ส., สารรัตน์ เ., พิลาทอง อ., ทิพย์วารี พ., & สิงห์ทอง ด. (2020). Development of Care Model for Psychiatric Patients at Amnatcharoen Hospital, Ubol Ratchathani Province, Thailand. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 29(3), 489–496. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)