Development of an Integrated Activity Model for Prevention and Control of Dengue Fever in High-Risk Areas of Muang District, Nonthaburi Province
activity model, prevention and control behaviors, dengue fever, high risk areaAbstract
This research and development study aimed at developing an integrated activity model for prevention and control of dengue fever among people, health professionals and networks in high-risk areas of Muang district, Nonthaburi province. It was conducted from September to December 2019. There were three phases of the study. Phase one researchers examined the predictive factors of prevention and control behaviors of dengue fever among people living in high-risk areas of Muang district, Nonthaburi Province. The investigating tool was the questionnaire covering demographic data, and the predictive factors of prevention and control behaviors of dengue fever developed by the researchers. The reliability by Cronbach’s coefficient was 0.90. The data were analyzed using multiple regression. Phase two researchers designed the integrated activity model for prevention and control of dengue fever. The model was approved by the health professionals and networks using focus group discussion. Phase three researchers evaluated the effectiveness of the integrated activity model for prevention and control of dengue fever. The participants were the family members. The tools were the integrated activity model for prevention and control of dengue fever developed in the second phase and the questionnaire developed in the first phase. The data were analyzed using paired t-test. Results revealed that the enabling factors, and predisposing factors in terms of attitude and knowledge, and precipitating factor could significantly predict the prevention and control behaviors of dengue fever among the family members with a coefficient of variation of 34.60 % (p<0.001). The integrated activity model for prevention and control of dengue fever among family members, health professionals and networks namely “Save our community from dengue fever” comprise six activities and four dimensions including planning, doing, monitoring, and evaluation. The mean score of prevention and control behaviors of dengue fever of the family members before and after the activity, was increased from 42.63 to be 45.06 (p <0.05). Suggestions include applying the integrated activity model for prevention and control of dengue fever and extending to all parts of the high-risk areas around the country.
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