Effectiveness of Health Literacy and Health Behavior Promoting Program in Risk Group Of Diabetes Mellitus at Thung Siao Primary Care Cluster, Sanpatong District, Chiangmai Province
health literacy, risk group of diabetes mellitus, primary care clusterAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of health literacy and health behavior promoting program in a risk group of diabetes mellitus. This was quasi experimental research. Study on 184 people who had risk of diabetes mellitus at Thung Siao primary care cluster, Sanpatong District, Chiangmai Province. Data were collected by questionnaire through pre- and post-assessment during the implementation of a health literacy and health behavior promoting program. It was found that most of volunteers in the study were female aged over 60 years old, married, with primary education, and were laborers. The scores of health knowledge on the 5 health practices (nutrition, exercise, good mood, avoid smoing and alcohol drinking), access to data and health services, health communication, self-care management, media literacy and right decision for health practice, as well as the scores of heath behavior were all increased at the end of the program.
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