A Confirmation Factor Analysis of Perceived Behavioral Control on Consuming Food from Polystyrene Foam Container
confirmation factor analysis, perceived behavioral control consuming food form polystyrene foam container, customerAbstract
This research aimed to analysis the components of perceived behavioral control on the consumption of food from polystyrene foam container, and examine the structural validity of the model and empirical data. Data were collected using the questionnaire form 280 consumers who have experience in consuming foam-packed food in Hatyai district, Songkhla province, Thailand. A probability sampling method with cluster random sampling was applied. The model was validated using confirmatory factor analysis through statistical package. The research results and confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the perceived behavioral control for consuming food from polystyrene foam container consisted of 3 domains: perceived susceptibility to disease, perceived severity, and perceived usefulness of prevention of infectious diseases. The model was fit with the empirical data, with c2 = 0.24, df = 1, p-value = 0.62, RMSEA = 0.00, RMR = 0.00, CFI = 1.00, GFI = 1.00. Factor loadings values of the four domains were between 0.66 and 0.95, internal consistency reliability (R2) were between 0.50 and 0.84. The factor that had highest weight value was the perceived susceptibility to disease and the least was perceived usefulness for prevention of infectious diseases. Therefore, responsible agencies should perform risk communication on the consumption of food from polystyrene foam container and publicize the importance of good health; which would lead to the cooperation on disease prevention and health promotion
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