Microbiological Quality of Herbal Cosmetics : 2002 - 2005 - คุณภาพด้านจุลชีววิทยาของผลิตภัณฑ์เครื่อง สำอางผสมสมุนไพร ระหว่างปี 2545 - 2548


  • Sirinun Thaitrakulpanich Division of Cosmetics and Hazardous Substances, Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health
  • Sirima Sairuomyart Division of Cosmetics and Hazardous Substances, Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health
  • Suwunna Tienungoon Division of Cosmetics and Hazardous Substances, Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health


cosmetics, herbal cosmetics, microbial contamination


            Between the years 2002 and 2005 the Division of Cosmetics and Hazardous Substances has investigated the microbiological quality of 881 herbal cosmetic products comprised of 116 oral cavity cosmetics, 340 facial cosmetics, and 425 body cosmetics. According to the microbial limits for cosmetics specified by the Thai Industrial Standard, TIS 152-1996, 236 samples (26.8%) did not meet the criteria. It was found that the total count of microbial contamination higher than the allowable quantitative microbial limits (1,000 cfu/g) was the major cause of 229 failed samples. Almost all of the specified microorganisms, except for Staphylococcus aureus, were detected from the contaminated samples. In particular, 95 samples were contaminated with certain pathogens, such as Clostridium spp. The product type most frequently contaminated was the powder/cream/mud herbal cosmetics applied on face (121 of 201 samples-60.2%) and body mask/ scrub (54 of 111 samples -45.6%), respectively. Categorized by manufacter, it was found that still a high percentage of contaminated samples, 150 of 575 samples (63.6%), were produced by companies/partnerships. Moreover, 55 contaminated samples (28.6%) lacked any details of the producers. This clearly suggests the drawback of the local herbal cosmetic products. Therefore consumers must take notices in purchasing cosmetic products with complete labeling from reliable producers and distributors.


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How to Cite

ไทยตระกูลพาณิช ส., สายรวมญาติ ส. ., & เธียรอังกูร ส. (2021). Microbiological Quality of Herbal Cosmetics : 2002 - 2005 - คุณภาพด้านจุลชีววิทยาของผลิตภัณฑ์เครื่อง สำอางผสมสมุนไพร ระหว่างปี 2545 - 2548. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 15(5), 778–86. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/JHS/article/view/10289



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)