Development of Health Check-up Database System Model for Risk Population in Pollution Control Zone, Naphralarn subdistrict, Chalermprakiat district, Saraburi Province


  • Kanchana Kongsaktragool Office of Disease Prevention and Control 4th, Saraburi Province, Thailand
  • Kamonwan samana Office of Disease Prevention and Control 4th, Saraburi Province, Thailand
  • Sawitree Phamorn Office of Disease Prevention and Control 4th, Saraburi Province, Thailand
  • Yuttana Klinchun Office of Disease Prevention and Control 4th, Saraburi Province, Thailand


The purpose of this research to develop a health check-up service information system for people at risk in the pollution control zone by developing a health database management system in a web-based application, collecting health data of people in the pollution control zone, Naphralan Subdistrict, Chaloem Phrakiat District, Saraburi Province which processed into reports. It is utilized in residents’ health surveillance that may be affected by the particle matter. The samples were (1) administrators in environmental monitoring and public health sectors (2) health service personnels, academicians and village health volunteers. The tools were web-based application and questionnaires. The study process was divided into 3 phases: (1) situation analysis, (2) design and develop the information systems, and (3) evaluation. The study was conducted during October 2017 to September 2019. The results revealed that the developed health information system can be managed for planning, monitoring, care and referring the people at risk in the area efficiently. Health data of the risk groups analyzed by occupational medicine knowledge and classified into 3 levels: low-risk, medium-risk, and high-risk. Hospitals can track and confirm risk groups by viewing from this web-based application. The evaluations found that system performance and benefits 88.54%, design 87.50% and satisfaction was at the highest level such as up-to-date and modern, the satisfaction at a high level such as the meet of purpose, benefits completely, easy to understand, accurate and reliable.


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How to Cite

คงศักดิ์ตระกูล ก., สมณะ ก., ภมร ส., & กลิ่นจันทร์ ย. (2022). Development of Health Check-up Database System Model for Risk Population in Pollution Control Zone, Naphralarn subdistrict, Chalermprakiat district, Saraburi Province. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 31(6), 1085–1095. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)