Development of an Information System Using a Real-Time Database Management System for COVID-19 Surveillance in Nan Province


  • Napadol Sudsom Banluang Hospital
  • Suphukchaya Chiangnoon Pua Crown Prince Hospital
  • Banjong Kittisawangwong Nan Hospital
  • Disapong Khattiya Nan Provincial Public Health Office
  • Supakorn Teerapripruek Wiangsa Hospital
  • Ampai Sudsom Banluang Hospital
  • Rachen Gunjaima Maecharim Hospital
  • Kamon Prommalungka Banluang Hospital
  • Lujisak Voradetwittaya Chalerm Prakiet Hospital, Nan Province, Thailand


information system, real-time database management system, disease surveillance and screening, COVID-19, rapid application development


This research and development study aimed to construct an information system utilizing a real-time database management system for COVID-19 surveillance in Nan province. To achieve this, a rapid application development (RAD) approach was employed to build an outbreak response software. The RAD process encompassed five phases: requirements planning, user design, construction, cutover, and evaluation. It was conducted between April and June 2020. The web-based applications developed in this study consisted of three components: (1), a screening checkpoint web application for active monitoring of symptoms during a 14-day quarantine period for individuals in the high-risk category; (2) a mobile application for real-time alerts and data provision on returnees from high-risk areas; and (3) situation awareness team (SAT) system, a web-based database management system. The outcomes of this study revealed the following: (1) a total of 15,380 traveler data were recorded using the screening checkpoint application; (2) health workers utilized the mobile application to send real-time data on 2,143 returnees from high-risk areas to communities; (3) SAT system facilitated the monitoring of COVID-19 symptoms for 7,135 returnees by health workers and village health volunteers; and (4) the surveillance network of COVID-19 involved 335 users across all 15 districts. Based on the findings, 3 conclusions were drawn: (1) an information system employing a real-time database management system proved to be a valuable tool for COVID-19 surveillance and screening; (2) integrated data and information systems can support decision-making processes in implementing COVID-19 measures at the provincial level; and (3) the data structure and software engineering approach employed in this study can serve as a model to aid in combating future outbreaks. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of RAD as a software development model in public health emergencies.


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How to Cite

สุดสม น., เชียงหนุ้น ส., กิตติสว่างวงค์ บ., ขัติยะ ด., ธีระไพรพฤกษ์ ศ., สุดสม อ., กันใจมา ร., พรมลังกา ก., & วรเดชวิทยา ฬ. (2023). Development of an Information System Using a Real-Time Database Management System for COVID-19 Surveillance in Nan Province. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 32(Supplement 1), S39-S48. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)