Development of Immunization Work for Sao Hai Distric, Saraburi Province, 2016-2019


  • Werathep Jamchun Office of Disease Prevention and Control, Region 4 Saraburi
  • Paisan Inphai Sao Hai District Public Health Office Saraburi Province, Thailand


immunization, basic vaccines, vaccination coverag


This action research aimed to develop immunization work in Sao Hai District, Saraburi Province in 2016-2019. It was conducted between 1 October 2016 and 30 September 2019. The study population consisted of 3 groups of people involved: 29 public health officials, 10 local government organization officials, and 659 public health volunteers. The research tools included group meetings (focus group discussion) and data collection on operational results from the registry tracking children 0-5 years old, Hosxp PCU program, maternal and child health record books, HDC reports of the Ministry of Public Health. The quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as frequencies, averages, percentages; and the qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. It was found that a new format was developed for use in carrying out immunization activities. There was improvement in immunization work of which the coverage of vaccines for 1-year children in 2017 - 2019 was 95.45, 99.36 and 99.40 percent, respectively, compared to 18.13% in 2016 before the implementation of the new format; and that for 5-year-old children was 25.88, 92.59, and 100 percent, respectively, for 2017-2019, compared to 3.39% in 2016. Important factors for the improvement were the efficient recording and the improved tracking system.


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How to Cite

แจ่มจันทร์ ว., & อินทร์ผาย ไ. (2024). Development of Immunization Work for Sao Hai Distric, Saraburi Province, 2016-2019. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 33(4), 650–659. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)