Incidence of Gene Interaction between Alpha Thalassemia 1, SEA Type Deletion in Hemoglobin E Carriers - อัตราการเกิดปฏิสัมพันธ์ของยีนอัลฟาธาลัสซีเมีย ชนิดเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ ร่วมกับพาหะของ ฮีโมโกลบินอ


  • Phathanun Thanaphatsiriyakun


            Hemoglobin E carriers with alpha thalassemia 1, SEA type of Thailand, was found about 10.0-25.0%. The interaction between hemoglobin E and alpha thalassemia can post a risk of having a descen-dant with Hemoglobin Bart’s hydrops fetalis. This study aimed to analyze the incidence of gene interaction in hemoglobin E carriers with alpha thalassemia 1 SEA type. It was conducted among blood samples sent to Regional Medical Sciences Center 11, Surat Thani during January-December 2011, of which 430 cases were hemoglobin E carriers. It was found the the hemoglobin E carriers with alpha thalassemia 1, SEA type was observed in 23 cases (5.4%). All of them had hemoglobin E level less than 25.0%. There was a significant difference of the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) between the groups of hemoglobin E carriers with and without alpha thalassemia 1 SEA type (p<0.001). Therefore, the gene analysis of alpha thalassemia 1 should be performed in all carriers with hemoglobin E levels less than 25.0%.

Key words: hemoglobin E carriers, alpha thalassemia


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How to Cite

Thanaphatsiriyakun, P. (2018). Incidence of Gene Interaction between Alpha Thalassemia 1, SEA Type Deletion in Hemoglobin E Carriers - อัตราการเกิดปฏิสัมพันธ์ของยีนอัลฟาธาลัสซีเมีย ชนิดเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ ร่วมกับพาหะของ ฮีโมโกลบินอ. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 27(5), 840–844. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)