A Study on the Use of Agricultural Chemicals and the Reduction of Chemical Use among Farmers of Kingkaeng Village, Khwaorai Sub-district, Nachuak District, MahaSarakham Province


  • Anongluk Kensupo Nachuak Hospital, MahaSarakham Province
  • Praneet Prasara-e Nachuak Hospital, MahaSarakham Province
  • Chanachai Pratummang Nachuak Hospital, MahaSarakham Province


Reduction of chemical use in agriculture, detection of chemical toxicity in blood, alternative organic substances in farming


The objective of this study was to assess awareness on the danger of chemical use in agriculture and explore the measures to reduce chemical use among farmers of Kingkaeng Village, Khwaorai Subdistrict, Nachuak District, MahaSarakham Province, Thailand. It was a participatory action research covering the period from January to October 2014. There were 48 participants including farmers, village health volunteers, registered nurses, and experts on earth, agriculture and public health. The study was conducted in 4 steps: (1) risk assessment which included incidents of exposures to chemicals among farmers, in-depth interviews, group discussions and observations, as well as collection of blood specimens to detect chemical residues by examining the cholinesterase enzyme level among voluntary farmers; and ended by a meeting to identify problems, exchange experiences and formulate common targets to solve the problems; (2) planning to reduce chemical use; (3) implementing the plan; and (4) evaluation. As for the results, the study revealed the following findings: (1) high level use of fertilizers and agricultural chemicals to increase the yield, which also increased the expenses; (2) inadequate self-protection which had resulted in manifestations of acute health problems such as rash, nose burning, headache, dizziness, dry throat, and insomnia. Laboratory investigation for pesticide toxicity by measuring the level of enzyme cholinesterase among 41 volunteers revealed 7 persons (17.1%) with risk level and 5 persons (12.2%) with toxicity level. (3) Chemical residues were also detected in the soil and they deteriorated the soil quality to the level that unsuitable for growing plants. Aquatic animals such as ordinary frogs, green frogs, earthworms and insects were decreased. Such finding prompted reseachers and participating members to develop a program aimed to jointly reduce the use of hazardous chemicals. Many interventions were implemented which included (1) discontinued the use of pesticide to get rid of golden apple snails, and replaced by dipping papaya leaf stalks into the water for the snails to rest on. Then they were collected and fermented to produce ionic plasma enzyme which could be used to spray on rice leaves as a fertilizer. (2) Limit the use of herbicide by avoiding the use during rice growing season. (3) Demonstrating rice farms without the use of chemicals which found to produce equally high level of rice when compared to those farms with chemical use. (4) Increased use of proper protective devices among farmer participants who were hired to spray chemicals in rice paddies and cassava fields. They replaced chemicals with organic substances; and motivated others to turn to ionic plasma enzyme by reducing the cost of its spraying. Overall, the program had resulted in (1) decreased use of and the expenses on pesticides; (2) reduction of symptoms of chemicals toxicity amiong farmers which correlated well with the improved results of blood cholinesterase enzyme tests; (3) increase in earthworms in rice paddies; and (4) lower cost and better yields of agricultural products.


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How to Cite

Kensupo, A., Prasara-e, P., & Pratummang, C. (2017). A Study on the Use of Agricultural Chemicals and the Reduction of Chemical Use among Farmers of Kingkaeng Village, Khwaorai Sub-district, Nachuak District, MahaSarakham Province. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 24(5), 822–832. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/JHS/article/view/530



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)