A prevalence survey of intravenous antimicrobial use of inpatients at Phrae Hospital
Point Prevalence Survey, Antimicrobial, IntravenousAbstract
Background: The improper prescription of antibiotics is one factor that promotes antibiotics resistance. Access to antimicrobial surveillance data is essential when assessing the pattern and appropriateness of antimicrobial prescription in hospital
Objective: This study aimed to describe the rate of antimicrobial use and pattern of prescriptions in Phrae hospital.
Method: A point prevalence survey on antimicrobial use was conducted on 2nd February 2565. The survey included all inpatient beds who receiving intravenous antibiotics.
Results: The study included 530 patients, 45.28% of whom received intravenous antimicrobial treatment. There was an estimated antimicrobial prescription rate per 1000 population of 452. The intensive care units, the rate of antimicrobial prescription was 87.5%. Cephalosporin was frequently prescribed antimicrobial, Ceftriaxone was prescribed in intensive care units (28.57%), surgical wards (40.78%) and medical wards (32.67%). First generation cephalosporin, cefazolin was prescribed for surgical prophylaxis commonly in Orthopedic wards. The reason for antimicrobial use was empirical treatment of infection, 60.41%, specific treatment 26.67% and surgical prophylaxis 12.92%. Urinary tract infection was the most diagnosis for antimicrobial prescription. Escherichia coli was found the most frequent pathogen in the patient of medical wards (4.03%) and surgical wards (2.41%).
Conclusion: Nearly half of hospitalized patients received antimicrobial. This was comparable with other tertiary care centers. This study provides important baseline information on antimicrobial use in Phrae hospital.
Keywords: Point Prevalence Survey, Antimicrobial, Intravenous
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