Development of Healthy Folk Food Recipes foe the Elderly in Muang District, Phrae Province
local food, chronic non-communicable diseases, health conditionAbstract
Background: Older people are more likely to develop chronic non-communicable diseases than other ages. Most of the reasons are due to inappropriate dietary habits. Northern folk food is an example of healthy food because there are herbs various ingredients that have properties and pharmacological effects like medicines. The northern traditional cooking has a distinctive salty flavor. In addition, the elderly have deteriorated taste buds, giving the opportunity to eat too salty food.
Objectives: To develop healthy folk recipes to be suitable for the elderly, at risk groups and those with chronic non-communicable diseases, and assess the effectiveness of the developed recipes.
Study design: This research was a qualitative research and community experiment. The tools used include Small group meetings with experts in nutrition and aged care; in-depth interviews with culinary volunteers and nutrient analysis before and after formula development. Community trials was conducted in Mueang Phrae District, Phrae Province. The sample group were elderly people at risk or suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia or obesity, 80 people were divided into the experimental group 40 people and the control group 40 people. Both groups received the same health education. But the experimental group was given the recipe and put it into practice. One month after the activity, blood pressure was monitored; blood sugar blood cholesterol and body mass index.
Results: Get 10 healthy folk recipes that provide the amount of sodium, not exceed the specified value increased protein content. The taste of the food is quite mild but mellow. As for the community experiment, it was found that the experimental group had the average cholesterol levels in the blood. There were statistically significant reductions in blood pressure and body mass index. The average blood sugar levels decreased but not statistically significant. When analyzing by controlling for the influence of sex and physical activity, it was found that eating food according to developed folk recipes, it has a reduction in systolic blood pressure of 3.3 mm Hg. statistically significant.
Conclusion: The use of developed local recipes can enhance good effect on the control of diabetes, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia or obesity.
Keywords: local food, chronic non-communicable diseases, health condition
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