Developing Strategies to Strengthen Nurses' Organizational Engagement, Lamphun Hospital


  • Watcharaporn Daungkaew Special Treatment Nursing Group, Lamphun Hospital
  • Thongrien Mooncheep Obstetric Nursing Group, Lamphun Hospital
  • Anchalee Srisuta Pediatric Nursing Group, Lamphun Hospital


Strategy Development, Preparation of plans, Corporate Engagement


Background:  The nurse's engagement strategy is a way to develop the workforce to have a good quality of life, enhancing the potential and sustainability of the organization

Objective:  To study the factors affecting the engagement with the organization. Level of engagement to the organization and developing strategies to strengthen engagement with nurses' organizations, Lamphun Hospital

Study design:  It is a mixed research qualitative and quantitative. A sample is a registered nurse. Lamphun Hospital totaled 355 people. The tools used to collect data are questionnaires     and group conversations. Analyze quantitative data with descriptive statistics: frequency, percentage, means, standard deviations. Inferential statistics include Pearson correlation. And qualitative data analysis with content analytics.

Results:   Factors that create an operational atmosphere (=3.87) and factors that motivate performance. Overall, at the high level. (= 3.75). The level of engagement with the nurse's organization at the high level. (=3.96)The results of the analysis of factors affecting the engagement of the organization. It was found that the factors that created the atmosphere in the operation. There is a relatively high level of correlation to corporate affiliation (r=0.60) significant at the level of 0.01. The motivating factors in performance are associated with a relatively high level of engagement with the organization (r=0.60) significant at the level of 0.01. Based on the results of the analysis of factors affecting the engagement with the organization. It can be defined as a plan to strengthen the bond with the nurse's act. Lamphun Hospital consists of 2 strategies: Strategy 1: Creating a good working environment and Strategy 2: Enhancing operational motivation.

Conclusions:  Implementing a nurse engagement plan into practice in the hospital. Nursing executives play an important role in driving activities that facilitate bonding with the organization and maintaining professional medical care to stay with the organization.

Keywords:  Strategy Development, Preparation of plans, Corporate Engagement


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How to Cite

ดวงแก้ว ว., มูลชีพ ท. ., & ศรีสุตา อ. . (2023). Developing Strategies to Strengthen Nurses’ Organizational Engagement, Lamphun Hospital. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 31(1), 1–15. Retrieved from



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