The effects of meditation SKT1,8 on postoperative pain after abdominal hysterectomy or ovarion surgery at Gynecological unit of Phrae hospital


  • Chamnian Khongpraphan Gynecological unit of Phrae Hospital
  • Patcharapan Mueagmo Gynecological unit of Phrae Hospital
  • Kajohnsri sarnmani Gynecological unit of Phrae Hospital


Pain level after hysterectomy/ovarian surgery, SKT Meditation Therapy 1, SKT Meditation Therapy 8


Background:  Hysterectomy/Ovarian surgery is the most common procedure in the gynecological ward of Phrae Hospital. Pain is classified as suffering that causes the patient to less body movement and slow recovery after surgery. And found that the first 24 hours after surgery the patient has a high level of pain, more than 70 percent. Pain can be managed by planning to manage the drug and non-drug combination. Meditation therapy is a way to reduce attention to pain, create calm and relax. Which is caused by the secretion of a neurotransmitter called endorphins in the brain to reduce the pain.

Objective:  this study was to compare pain levels during the first 24 hours postoperative in hysterectomy/ovarian surgery patients between the SKT 1,8 concentration therapy group and the SKT 1, 8 non-meditation group.

Study design: This research was a quasi-experimental research with a pre- and post-experimental control group. The sample group is 72 patients admitted after hysterectomy/ovarian surgery in the gynecological ward of Phrae Hospital between September 2022 until February 2023. The attended group participants were divided into 36 experimental groups and 36 controls. The research tools consisted of an educational program and SKT 1, 8 therapy meditation training program, a numerical pain assessment scale. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. and the t-test statistics.

Results:  Patients who took SKT 1, 8 meditation therapy group had a decrease pain level after discharge from the operating room (p<.001), 18 hours after discharge from the operating room (p=.008), and 24 hours after discharge from the operating room (p=.014). The non-differentiation was 6 hours after discharge from the operating  room (p=0.115) and 12 hours after discharge from the operating room (p=.896).

Conclusions: Healing meditation SKT 1, 8 resulting in pain relief for patients after surgery It can be used as alternative to pain management together with treatment according to modern medicine.

Keywords:  Pain level after hysterectomy/ovarian surgery, SKT Meditation Therapy 1, SKT Meditation Therapy 8


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How to Cite

คงประพันธ์ จ., เหมืองหม้อ พ. ., & ซ้อนมณี ข. . (2023). The effects of meditation SKT1,8 on postoperative pain after abdominal hysterectomy or ovarion surgery at Gynecological unit of Phrae hospital. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 31(1), 86–98. Retrieved from



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