Effect of Home palliative Care Program on Patients's Symptom-Induced Suffering, Care Outcome and Care givers's Stress


  • thadsanee boonariyatep Primary and Holistic care Department, Rong Kwang Hospital, Phrae
  • Tapukkanun Intharawut Primary and Holistic care Department, Rong Kwang Hospital, Phrae


The home palliative care program, Symptom-induced suffering, Care outcome, Care givers’s stress


Background: Palliative care patients need for medical care, physical and psychological   assistance more than general patients. Home palliative care will help patients and caregivers access quality care and have a better quality of life.

Objective: The study aimed to determine the effect of the home palliative care program    by comprises the patients average score on symptom-induced suffering and palliative care outcome and the care givers average score on stress.

Study design: One-group experimental research with a pre-test and a post-test design was performed in the palliative care patients and the care givers. Data collection comprises questionnaires, case record forms, and the home palliative care program.

Results:  Before and after participating in the program, the patients displayed a significantly on symptom-induced suffering (p<.001) and a significantly  on palliative care outcome (p<.001). and the care givers displayed a significantly  on stress (p<.001).  

Conclusions: The Home Palliative Care Program may be decrease patients’s symptom-induced suffering, increase care outcome and decrease care givers’s stress

Keywords:  The home palliative care program, Symptom-induced suffering, Care outcome, Care givers’s stress


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How to Cite

บุญอริยเทพ ท. . ., & อินทราวุธ ธ. . . (2023). Effect of Home palliative Care Program on Patients’s Symptom-Induced Suffering, Care Outcome and Care givers’s Stress. (PMJCS) Phrae Medical Journal and Clinical Sciences, 31(1), 99–113. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/jpph/article/view/14018



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