The effect of a diet program for elderly diabetic patients with uncontrolled glycemia levels: A case study in Lom Sak District of Phetchabun Province
elderly diabetic patient, uncontrolled glycemia level in elderly diabetic patient, diet program for elderly diabetic patientAbstract
Background: Diabetes is a chronic non-communicable disease that remains a global health problem. Currently, the world is giving great importance to it because a disease that cannot be cured, especially in elderly patients who are uncontrolled by the factor that affects sugar level control is eating behavior.
Aim: The main objective of this research is to study the results of a dietary program for diabetic patients in elderly patients who cannot control their sugar levels: a case study in Lom Sak District of Phetchabun Province.
Methods: This study is a four-step research and development process that includes 1) Studying basic information and program development guidelines, 2) Creating and checking program quality, 3) Experimenting and analyzing the results of using the program, and 4) Studying satisfaction with using the program. The sample groups in steps 1 and 2 were multidisciplinary teams. Public health volunteers with diabetes selected a specific one. The tools used in the research include accumulated sugar data recorded from questionnaires and focus groups to draw up a pattern. In steps 3 and 4, the sample groups were elderly diabetic patients who could not control their blood sugar levels. Those who received treatment at the family doctor clinic of Lom Sak Municipality, totaling 62 samples, were purposively selected and were randomly assigned to an experimental group of 30 samples and a control group of 32 samples. The experimental group received a developed food program with three activities, followed up continuously for three months, and the control group received pre-development services. The tools used in this research as follows: 1) a food self-management awareness assessment form, 2) a blood sugar recording form, 3) a dietary guide, and 4) a satisfaction questionnaire used in the program. Data were analyzed using average values, standard deviation, and t-test statistics.
Results: 1) showed that the number of diabetic patients tends to increase at the national level, Phetchabun Province, and Lom Sak District. From this situation, there has been continuous corrective action. However, it found that diabetic patients who came to receive services at the Lom Sak Municipality Community Health Center Only 38.89%, 40.43%, and 40.68%, respectively, were able to control their sugar levels well consistent with eight diabetic patients with high blood sugar were interviewed and found that most had behavioral problems, eating mainly starchy foods. As for the service, it provides knowledge and general advice, but no clear set goals with the patient. The method for developing programs is consistent with King's theory that focuses on setting clear goals together with patients 2) The results of creating the developed food program have five main elements (Principle, Objective, Content, Process, Measurement & Evaluation) with sub-elements of the process section for trial use as follows: (1) Building relationships of help and trust (2) Self-assessment (3) Setting goals (4) Self-determination (5) Taking action (6) Self-regulation and (7) giving self-reinforcement, are as for the results of the quality inspection of the food program by experts had quality at good level 3) The results of the experiment and study of the use of the food program found that the experimental group had a higher average score of food self-management awareness. The experimental group had a higher mean score for food self-management skills and had a lower average blood sugar level than the control group immediately after the experiment, statistically significant at the .05 level, and 4) Results of the study of satisfaction with the developed program at a high level.
Conclusions: The dietary program for elderly diabetes patients who uncontrolled their sugar levels has increased effective awareness of food self-management until the practice of eating food occurred. As a result, the accumulated sugar level in the blood will decrease to an appropriate level.
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