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Deep neck infection in Phukhieo Chalermprakiat Hospital Chaiyaphum Province


  • นันทกร ดำรงรุ่งเรือง Phukhieo Chalermprakiat Hospital Chaiyaphum Province


Deep neck infection, etiology, complication, length of stay


Deep neck infection is the importance problem and considered as an emergency in department of Otorhinolaryngology. An accurate diagnosis of the etiology, pathogen, location, and complications will ensure the patient receives in time appropriate treatment. Although at present the incidence and severity of the disease has decreased, due to the higher efficiency of antibiotics, there are still a number of patients, however, who have severe symptoms, including complications and life-threatening.

Objective : To study the general characteristics of the patient, clinical features of deep neck infection and risk factors that associated with the pathogen, length of stay and complications of deep neck infection in Phukhieo Chalermprakiat Hospital

Methods and materials : It is a retrospective descriptive study of patients diagnosed with deep neck infection between January 1st 2013 and  June 30th 2020 was collected from inpatient medical records. General data were analyzed by chi-square, fisher exact test and independent sample t-test (p-value < 0.05). Risk factors for complications were analyzed by multivariable logistic regression method.

Result : All 168 patients were male 53.0%, mean age 46.6 ± 22.8 years. The most common underlying disease was hypertension (23.2%), followed by diabetes mellitus (22.6%). Buccal was the most frequent space of infection (32.7%), followed by submandibular space (20.2%). Multiple space infections were found in 49 patients (29.2%), the main cause was caries (74.4%), 24 patients were found to have complications (14.3%), sepsis was the most common (11.9%), followed by upper airway obstruction (4.2%), the most pathogenic was Klebsiella pneumoniae (13.0%). The incidence of Klebsiella pneumoniae was related to diabetes mellitus (p = 0.003) and parapharyngeal space infection (p = 0.011). Factors related to length of stay were diabetes (p = 0.001), hypertension (p = 0.025), multiple space infections (p = 0.000) and the presence of complications (p = 0.000). The multivariable logistic regression analysis indicated that significant risk factors associated with the occurrence of complications were multiple space infection (ORadj = 5.9, 95% CI: 2.1-16.8, p = 0.001), Diabetes mellitus (ORadj = 3.6, 95% CI: 1.2-10.8, p = 0.012) and anemia (ORadj = 4.1, 95% CI: 1.4-12.0, p = 0.022)

Conclusion : Deep neck infection in Phukhieo Chalermprakiat Hospital Chaiyaphum Province is most likely caused by dental caries. Promoting oral and dental health will help prevent and reduce the incidence. Accurate and prompt diagnosis and treatment, especially for people with risk factors may help reduce the complications that are life-threatening


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2021-07-19 — Updated on 2021-08-13




Original Article